Putin Can Sustain Economy For Quite Some Time Russian Economist Says

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De kans dat de economie van Rusland instort is 'extreem klein': Poetin kan het nog lang volhouden, volgens Russische econoom
De kans dat de economie van Rusland instort is 'extreem klein': Poetin kan het nog lang volhouden, volgens Russische econoom from

Putin can sustain economy for 'quite some time', Russian economist says

The likelihood of Russia's economy collapsing is "extremely small", according to a Russian economist.

Vladimir Putin will be able to sustain the Russian economy for "quite some time", a Russian economist has claimed.

Sergei Guriev, a former Russian official at the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, said that the Russian economy is "not going to collapse tomorrow".

He said that the Russian government has built up a large financial reserve and has taken steps to reduce its reliance on Western countries.

Guriev said that the Russian government has also been able to maintain a relatively stable exchange rate for the ruble.

He said that the Russian government has also been able to maintain a relatively stable exchange rate for the ruble.

However, Guriev warned that the Russian economy is still facing a number of challenges, including the impact of Western sanctions, the falling price of oil, and the ongoing conflict in Ukraine.

He said that the Russian government will need to make some difficult decisions to stabilize the economy in the long term.